Show's Over

Hi, it's me again somehow.

This blocked normal-ish puzzle is a calming of pace from the absurdity and complexity of some previous puzzles (only one sentence in the preamble!). Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the theme for what it is. Thanks to MP for the test-solve: you can find him here.

This puzzle is also up on MyCrossword.

Full-Screen AmuseLabs Link


  1. Hi Pixlate, this comment is revenge. You hurt us and by that I mean you made our brains bigger. Kevin is threatening you. You can hear it. I am not, we are friends and you are in a different hemisphere. I am too lazy to go there rn. But you're cool and this puzzle was good. Nice. Thanks. Let us know when you have another and whether we should steel ourselves beforehand! Had a good time! Good afternoon


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