
Showing posts from May, 2023

Oxymoron (Standard, Adversarial, Memes)

Hey y'all I made another puzzle with Frisco (there's three cluesets, again!) Frisco says of this puzzle: "Fucking I feel no shame, that's it, i feel no shame" Strong words. Anyways, pick whichever one you like, but also, pick the hard one because we're proud of the gas we got in there. Have a fun one! Please blame Paolo Pasco for the hard clueset, he let us get away with a lot Here's what lila had to say about the puzzle (she test-solved the meme clues!): Guys, I Swear I Can Make Serious Puzzles: Amuselabs Links: Standard Adversarial Memes

Queer Bostonians

 Hi folks! It's me again, sorry for not posting more but life happens and also I got bored and didn't feel like it. Anyways here's a puzzle which I quite like and I think is quite silly. It's over on MyCrossword. I've got a couple of grids in the works (and one coming out somewhere other than my blog in a week-ish!) so I'll be more active - but for now, please enjoy this puzzle whose name is a dumb joke that I find funny for some reason. Puzzle Link (oh shit wait, thank you from Brad, joeadultman, tui, Liam and probably_apocryphal for test-solving)